Jekyll is supported on Linux and Mac OS X. Official installation instructions are here.
I’m assuming you have a Mac with Yosemite (you can check this via Apple > About This Mac).

NB. Update re El Capitan – /usr/local/bin ref


  1. Xcode
  2. Xcode command line tools
  3. Ruby
  4. RubyGems

You also need to use Terminal to type/paste in code. eg code is displayed in this guide like this:



Install from the mac app store. Once it’s installed, open Xcode to agree to the terms and conditions.

Xcode command line tools

xcode-select -p 

will test to see if they are installed and show the location if they are

If they are not installed then use this to install:

xcode-select --install


I’m using the already installed version of Ruby.

ruby -v

will confirm that its installed and the version


To confirm installed & show the version:

gem -v


At the terminal prompt type:

sudo gem install jekyll

and enter your password if prompted.


See the official troubleshooting guide

I updated both the xcode command line tools and Ruby gems:

xcode-select --install
gem update --system

Hello world

Create a new Jekyll site just to see if everything works

cd code
jekyll new myblog
cd myblog
jekyll serve

Now goto http://localhost:4000