An easy-to-read, easy-to-write plain text format that can be converted to HTML
Kramdown is Jekylls default flavour of Markdown . You can mix in vanilla HTML too.
This code
A Header
### Sub-heading
A paragraph of text with __bold__ and _italic_
Another paragraph
> A blockquote.
* Bulleted lists
* are easy
* tab in for indents
1. Numbered lists are easy too
1. No need to number correctly!
> A big blockquote with a source
> <footer><cite>Source reference here</cite></footer>
[ link title ]( url ) eg [ link to google ]( )
![ Picture of Albatross ]( /assets/media/albatros.jpg ) {:.img-responsive}
<span class= "caption text-muted" > Albatross ahoy!</span>
Add footnotes using placeholders like this: [^1].
Alternatively you can use ‘n’ rather than numbers [^n] so you don’t have to worry about which number
you are on. At the very end of your post, you can define your matching footnotes as shown below:
[ ^1 ]: This is my first footnote
[ ^n ]: A final footnote
Add extra classes by suffixing elements with `{:.classname}`
Use backticks for inline code: `some command here` within a paragraph
For longer blocks and different language syntax highlighting:
<figure class= "highlight" ><pre><code class= "language-bash" data-lang= "bash" ><span class= "nb" > cd </span> somedir
xcode-select <span class= "nt" > -p</span> </code></pre></figure>
A paragraph of text with bold and italic
Another paragraph
A blockquote.
Numbered lists are easy too
No need to number correctly!
A big blockquote with a source
link title eg link to google
Albatross ahoy!
Add footnotes using placeholders like this: . Alternatively you can use ‘n’ rather than numbers so you don’t have to worry about which number you are on. At the very end of your post, you can define your matching footnotes as shown below:
Add extra classes by suffixing elements with {:.classname}
Use backticks for inline code: some command here
within a paragraph
For longer blocks and different language syntax highlighting:
cd somedir
xcode-select -p