An easy-to-read, easy-to-write plain text format that can be converted to HTML

Kramdown is Jekylls default flavour of Markdown. You can mix in vanilla HTML too.

This code

A Header

### Sub-heading

A paragraph of text with __bold__ and _italic_

Another paragraph

> A blockquote.

* Bulleted lists
* are easy
	* tab in for indents

1. Numbered lists are easy too
1. No need to number correctly!

> A big blockquote with a source
> <footer><cite>Source reference here</cite></footer>

[link title](url) eg [link to google](

![Picture of Albatross](/assets/media/albatros.jpg){:.img-responsive}
<span class="caption text-muted">Albatross ahoy!</span>

Add footnotes using placeholders like this: [^1]. 
Alternatively you can use ‘n’ rather than numbers [^n] so you don’t have to worry about which number
you are on. At the very end of your post, you can define your matching footnotes as shown below:

[^1]: This is my first footnote
[^n]: A final footnote

Add extra classes by suffixing elements with `{:.classname}`

Use backticks for inline code: `some command here` within a paragraph

For longer blocks and different language syntax highlighting:

<figure class="highlight"><pre><code class="language-bash" data-lang="bash"><span class="nb">cd </span>somedir
xcode-select <span class="nt">-p</span> </code></pre></figure>


A Header


A paragraph of text with bold and italic

Another paragraph

A blockquote.

  1. Numbered lists are easy too
  2. No need to number correctly!

A big blockquote with a source

Source reference here

link title eg link to google

Picture of Albatross Albatross ahoy!

Add footnotes using placeholders like this: 1. Alternatively you can use ‘n’ rather than numbers 2 so you don’t have to worry about which number you are on. At the very end of your post, you can define your matching footnotes as shown below:

Add extra classes by suffixing elements with {:.classname}

Use backticks for inline code: some command here within a paragraph

For longer blocks and different language syntax highlighting:

cd somedir
xcode-select -p 
  1. This is my first footnote 

  2. A final footnote