A free Git & Mercurial client for Windows or Mac

Use SourceTree as a graphical tool to transfer files to/from Github (& other respositories).


Download here, and install.
Then drag to your dock for easy access.


This tutorial covers cloning and then pushing content to a Github repository in full detail. In summary:

Clone a repository

  1. New repository > Clone from url
  2. Source url = eg https://github.com/<username>/<repository>
  3. Destination path = local folder eg /code/<repository>
  4. Name = label in sourcetree for this respostory eg <repository>
  5. Click Clone

Pull changes from Github

  1. Click Pull in the top bar

Toolbar: Pull

Commit and push changes to github

When you change or add files on your local machine you have “Unstaged files”…

  1. Select these to stage them (select each file or tick ‘Unstaged files’ to select all)
  2. Provide a commit message, tick “Push changes immediately to origin/master” and click commit

Stage files
